IEEE Light Up A Billion Smiles Competition, launched by the IEEE Power Electronics Society, the Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA), the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Georgia Tech’s Center for Distributed Energy and Delft University of Technology, aimed to fundamentally rethink how energy poverty could be eliminated globally over the next decade, from the bottom-up and in a sustainable manner. The program aims to harness the creativity, talent and passion of the global community, through a global competition slated for 2018 that can help align global efforts and metrics to achieve a common purpose.
Author: Kirin Bettadapur
Solar Power to the People
Tired and hungry, 23 Georgia Tech students and their advisor landed in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on the afternoon of Sunday, May 8, 2016.
It was getting on toward dark — too late for them to travel three hours to their final destination — so they made their way, as planned, to a local hotel. One among them, Patrick Pierre, had grown up in this small Caribbean nation, so he knew what to do when he saw mango trees laden with ripe fruit just outside their hotel.